An analysis of CAGE data

  • Gene Expression
  • High-Throughput Sequencing

A Case Study of CAGE data set.

00:00 About the data set.
01:50 Comparing replicates to find boundary between signal and noise.
03:00 Filtering
06:15 PCA to overview expression profiles of samples
06:45 Marking the outlier samples and excluding them.
08:00 PCA again without outliers.
09:10 Loading RLE normalized data to see the effect of the algorithm.
09:30 Viewing expression patterns on each TSS with Genome View.
11:25 Browsing the data on Subrium with web browser.
13:30 Viewing the details of a data set, and downloading the SSA file.

Please take an Online Training for a full instruction of the data analysis.

Data Source and Technology Basics of CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression):