Comparing Bisulphite Sequencing And Methylation Array

  • Epigenetics
  • Microarray
  • High-Throughput Sequencing

GSE34403 is composed of bisulphite sequencing and methylation BeadChip data sets. It is useful to compare the quality of these methods.

Comparing Bisulphite Sequencing And Methylation Array

0:00 Over-viewing.
0:10 Viewing bisulphite sequencing data on 10000bp bins.
0:40 Viewing the baseline of methylation status.
1:00 Viewing highly methylated regions only.
1:10 Viewing differentially methylated regions between LNCaP and PrEC.
2:10 Switching to the bisulphite sequencing data on 500bp bins.
2:40 Viewing highly or differentially methylated regions at 500bp resolution.
3:40 Switching to the bisulphite sequencing data on 20bp bins.
5:00 Viewing the methylation BeadChip data.

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Data Source: GSE34403

SOA file is available to examine them on your Subio Platform.