Subio Platform v1.20.5009 Released.

We released v1.20.5009.

Subio Platform supports automatic import of mRNA-Seq data sets from GCD for TCGA and TARGET projects. And provide new features to easily handle such large data sets.


* Importing Samples from GDC could fail due to network error. Please try later or from other networks when you get errors. Maybe it can be solved by stopping streaming of music or movie, and talking with VoIP tools.


Defining many groups and control samples in Ratio to Control Samples is much easier.
(Watch the movie at ' 24 "30  at An exploratory analysis on TCGA-BLCA )
  • Lookup tools in Edit Sample Information and Edit Parameters accept GSE soft formatted family file. 
  • KEGG pathway converter imports more element types.
  • The default sequence of normalize blocks of "profiling" and "compare to control" scenario is changed.
  • The output of fold change from "Compare to All" or "Compare All Pairs" tools are not log ratio.
  • The default similarity measurement for clustering tool is now uncentered correlation.
  • The default color to null parameter is white.
  • Lists of series in Edit Parameters and Import Measurements panels are alphabetically sorted.


  • Subio Platform could fail to activate plug-ins
  • Subio Platform unexpectedly shuts down on saving or previewing the result of "Compare One to All" or "Compare All Pairs" tools.