Subio Platform v1.24.5805 Released & Variation Plug-in Debut!

We release Subio Platform v1.24.5805 with a brand new plug-in, Variation Plug-in , for analyzing SNPs and indels from the RNA-Seq FASTQ files. Also, we revised the RNA-Seq FASTQ file processing and brash up for a better user experience. Now we offer you an extensive solution package of RNA-Seq data analysis for wet-researchers using Windows or Mac computers.

NEW FEATUREs of Variation Plug-in

  • FASTQ to VCF (RNA-Seq) tool: detecting SNPs and indels from FASTQ with GATK4.
  • Annotate VCF tool: add annotation and prediction of the effect of the mutation with SnpEff.
  • Aggregate Variants tool: Comparing mutations between the control and case groups for filtering.
  • Aggregate Variants per Gene tool: Comparing mutations per gene between the control and case groups for filtering.
  • Aggreagte Variants per Exon tool: Summarizing mutations of a target gene per exon.
  • Filter by Exon tool: Extracting variants on specified exons.

IMPROVEMENTs of Subio Platform

  • We revised the Menu items for better user experience. Now there is File menu for import and export.
  • The RNA-Seq FASTQ file processing runs more stably. And now you can choose count or TPM for Ch1RawSignal.
  • We revised the normalization scenario. Now you can easily select a suitable one for RNA-Seq count and TPM/FPKM/RPKM respectively.
  • You can directly import VCF files as Region Lists as adding a prefix "chr" to the chromosome name.

CHANGEs of Subio Platform

  • There is a link of Help in each plug-in tool panel. We replaced ? icon with the link "How to use." 

And a number of bugs were fixed.

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